Placement Assessments

Placement Assessments

Success at Temple University does not follow one particular pathway, as our students are varied and diverse in their backgrounds. For incoming students, it is important that they start on the right track, beginning with determining the appropriate courses for their first semester. Some students may be placed into courses using their student data, including but not limited to high school GPA, SAT, ACT or AP scores while others will need to take placement assessments. Placement Assessments are offered in English, math, and foreign languages.

In addition, the New Student Questionnaire (NSQ) must be completed by all incoming students, even if they do not have to take any other placement assessments. The data collected by the survey are used to provide basic background information describing Temple students. Temple also uses the results of this questionnaire to develop programs and procedures to serve the needs and interests of its students.

Temple's Placement Assessments serve to evaluate different levels of academic preparation. While you should take these assessments seriously, the goal is not simply to achieve high scores, but to demonstrate readiness for particular coursework. This is why it is important that you take an assessment independently, and are placed into courses that demonstrate your ability. An appropriate program of study includes courses that are not above or below your level of preparation, but offers an appropriate challenge and chance at success.

Please note that students with disabilities requiring accommodations for placement assessments must first contact Disability Resources and Services before they start the placement process. Various accommodations, including during the remotely proctored assessment, may be available. Please contact Disability Resources and Services for additional information.

Assessments are taken after students have been admitted to the University and have paid the tuition deposit. Students will receive an email explaining next steps, including placement assessments. Once the deposit is paid, it takes 2-3 business days for the email to be delivered. There will also be information displayed on the student's TUportal under "Next Steps."

Some incoming students may be placed using their student data, including but not limited to: high school grade point average, SAT/ACT scores or AP scores provided to Temple University while others will be required to take an assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare for placement assessments?

The Placement Assessment website has more information about the math, English, and foreign language placement assessments including descriptions of the assessments, time limits, how to prepare, what to review and expect, and sample and practice assessments. This website does not contain a link to complete the assessments. Instead, they are available via your Next Steps channel in TUportal.

When can I complete my placement assessments?

The online placement assessment system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We strongly recommend you complete the placement assessments as soon as possible. Students cannot register for an Orientation session until the required placement assessments have been completed. 

Can I fail the placement assessments?

Students cannot fail placement assessments but doing well may reduce the number of courses needed for your degree. The results will be used to place you at the appropriate subject level for English, math and foreign language courses.

When do I receive my results?

Math placement results are available immediately through ALEKS and posted to your Placement Results channel in TUportal within 2-3 business days after completion. English placement results are posted to your Placement Results channel approximately one week after taking the assessment. Foreign Language Assessment results are posted to your Placement Results channel in TUportal within 2-3 business days after completion. 

How do I request accommodations for placement assessments?

If you require accommodations for placement assessments, please visit the Disability Resources and Services website. It is very important to request an accommodation before taking your assessments.

I’m taking a class that will fulfill my math/English requirement. Do I need to take the assessment?

Yes, you will need to take the placement assessment so that you can move forward with Orientation. Once you complete this course and it is transferred to Temple, you can discuss with your advisor which placement result is best for you and your program of study.  More information can be found on the Placement Assessment website:  

Why is the math assessment proctored?

The goal of the math assessment is to place you in the appropriate math level and coursework so that you build the skills you need to be successful at Temple.  While you should take these assessments seriously, the goal is not simply to achieve a high score.  On the contrary, when students are placed into math courses for which they are not prepared, that can result in poor grades or dropped classes which can slow your overall academic progress and lower your GPA. Therefore, it is important that you take an assessment independently and are placed into courses that demonstrate your ability. A proctored environment promotes the overall accuracy of the assessment and we have found that students tend to be more successful in their first math course at Temple when they have taken the ALEKS placement assessment in a proctored setting versus an un-proctored setting.  

What are the requirements for using Respondus Monitor?

To take your assessment with Respondus Monitor, go to Next Steps on TUportal, click the ALEKS math assessment step and follow the instructions. You will need a high-speed internet connection (a standard Wi-Fi or wired connection is recommended), webcam and microphone, a Windows or Apple Operating System, and an unexpired photo ID. Your workspace should be clear of other materials.

What is the password to start the ALEKS math placement assessment?

Students must enter the proctor password to start the assessment. The password is OWLS23.

If you have any questions about University Placement Assessments, call 215-204-8611 or email .

If you have any questions about Orientation, call 215-204-8531 or email